Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Landowner Rights v. the Environment

During the last four years of Bracebridge and District Councils, the general community has had to deal with a constant fight and battle between the perceived rights of landowners versus the perceived rights of the environmental community.
Environmentalist urge local governments to increase controls and protections for those things we all come to Muskoka to enjoy. Namely, the physical beauty of Muskoka includes a diverse ecosystem of waterways, Canadian Shield topography, natural vegetation and our naturally diverse animal populations. We all share Muskoka and we all want to ensure that its natural beauty is not destroyed.
Landowners in rural Muskoka believe that their rights are being trampled. Many of these landowners are descendants of the original founders of Muskoka. The original pioneers of these lands came to a rugged and undeveloped Muskoka and settled their land as they were asked to by the Crown. Other landowners have purchased lands and manage their properties under agreements with the province such as MFTIF (commonly known as managed forests) and others under provincial agreements based on their farming arrangement. These landowners believe they are already under contractual obligations with the government and that they should not be subject to additional government controls. When a municipality (or other government level) takes away the primary use of your land, this constitutes regulatory expropriation. In other words, when governments take away your rights to use your land in the ways you always have, it has expropriated your land rights. Traditional expropriation requires compensation on behalf of the local government.
How can the rights of landowners be protected? How can the local government ensure that valuable wetlands, natural habitat and other significant natural heritage areas are protected? These are not easy questions to answer.
Clearly, when a municipality takes away granted land rights from a landowner, the value of the landowners investment may decrease. Are there mechanisms to mitigate the investment loss?

Taxation Reductions
Landowners who are subject to managed forest agreements are subject to only 25% of the taxation rate. For example, a 100 acre vacant rural property is assessed at $400,000. Under traditional taxation rates, the property would be taxed approximately $4,000. If this property was placed under a managed forest agreement, the property would be taxed only $1,000 per year. This same tax reduction strategy is also available for farms.

Conservation Easements
I believe that a solution lies in an instrument called a Conservation Easement. This easement is a document that allows a landowner to retain ownership of all their land while the significant sensitive area would be monitored by an independent agency such as the Muskoka Heritage Trust. What is the benefit to the landowner?

  1. An appraisal would be completed on the lands to determine what land value decrease would result in the conservation easement
  2. The landowner could then apply for a reduction in municipal taxes for the reduced value of the property
  3. The landowner may have rights on the easement property such as the removal of firewood (dead trees), tapping of trees in spring and other minor, unobtrusive uses such as hiking and passive recreational activities
  4. The landowner could apply to the Trust for an “ecological gift” tax receipt. This would typically be given in the amount of land value lost as a result of the easement. The landowner could then use this tax receipt for a 29% charitable tax credit (cash in hand) that could be invested in the rest of their property, new equipment for their business, retirement financing or other uses. A loss in a property value of $100,000 could result in a cash tax credit of $29,000.

How can the Town help with this process? I believe that the Town of Bracebridge, other surrounding Townships, the District of Muskoka and the province should create a funding pool to offset the costs of obtaining and maintaining these easements so that those landowners who are the most largely effected can work towards a peaceful solution of this issue with our trail system so that we all may enjoy the beauty of Muskoka winters without the threat of blockades on the trails.
How can this be funded? I would strongly suggest that the Town reduce the amount of money spent on outside consultants. On an annual basis, local governments traditionally spend tens of thousands of dollars on reports from outsiders when our local managers and staff are providing most of the necessary data. We need to be autonomous.

Official Plan Amendments
Another simple solution would be the exemption of Official Plan amendment application fees for rural residents who wish to argue that their properties contain no areas of significant Natural Heritage. It has been openly acknowledged by local planning departments that there are mapping and aerial photography errors that may not be consistent with some properties and their environmental features. Citizens who are currently under agreements such as Managed Forest Agreements, certain farm designations and families of original pioneers to Muskoka may have their properties already under agreement with the province or federal government through existing contracts and Land Patent Rights given. These rural landowners should be given the opportunity to discuss in an open forum their argument against unnecessary protections by the Town. In general, landowners should not be faced with the added financial burden of “proving” that their land is free of environmentally significant features.

While rural and waterfront properties with significant natural heritage, wetlands and other areas should be protected by the Township, local governments need to be willing to accept responsibility for the revocation of landowner rights and values. Landowners should be entitled to continued use of their property without unjustified controls. Significant natural heritage should be protected. The Town needs to work closely with landowners in significant natural heritage areas to provide conservation guidance, education on natural heritage issues and when needed, suggest easements and other methods to provide compensation.

When Kids Come Along...

I have been asked on several occasions, “why are you running for mayor?” Ideally, the answer has always been the same. My wife and I moved to this town in 1996 so that we would have a clean, safe and stable place to raise our children. Being recently married and living south of Barrie, we yearned for a place similar to when we had enjoyed our childhoods. We wanted our children to have what we wanted. We wanted them to have more.
I was raised in a small area known as Albion Hills near the small village of Palgrave. My wife Kelly was born in Orillia and raised in the village of Moonstone. We both understood how our small town experiences were beneficial to our upbringing. We wanted this atmosphere for our kids.
I began working in Bracebridge in September 1996, when my oldest daughter, Dorothy was only three months old. I began working at Evans-Forrec in Bracebridge. It was working for Bruce S Evans Limited where I began to understand how special the Town of Bracebridge was and is. This town was full of artists, designers and craftsman. As well, Bracebridge seemed ripe with entrepreneurs who wanted to make a difference in this world. They wanted to carve out their own special piece of the markets. This was the place to be.
I am running for mayor so that I can provide the leadership necessary to improve this town for my children. To ensure that my children, your children and your grandchildren are provided with opportunity and activity.
Ever thought of how your world changed after you had children? Mine sure did! I think that every responsible parent goes through this same transition in their lives. The activities and freedoms we enjoyed as youth, many may go on hold. We, as parents, are now fully responsible for the next generation. The next group of leaders, athletes, teachers, businesspersons and workers are all in our hands.
It is during this period of your life when you truly determine what is important. When reflecting back on my youth, I understand the importance of my small town upbringing. I know this is important for my kids. Is it important which town? I would suggest not.
Those of you that have spent your entire lives in Bracebridge, that is a great thing. However, it is not everything. Not everyone in this town who has been here their entire life is qualified to lead this Town as its next mayor. For me, a very important aspect of my life was the years spent outside small town life. It was in Ottawa where I learned about small city living, about cultural differences, diversity. I learned how unique Ottawa is in handling activity, active transit, beautification etc. There are few places the size of Ottawa where one can ride their bikes from one end of the city to the other without having to hit a stoplight!
While my hometown upbringing created the foundation for who I am as a person, it was my children who have turned me into the person I am today. From the second I held my daughter for the first time 14 years ago, I knew that my life as I knew it was over. My life was going to change. My role was now uniquely different. It was now time to teach. It was time to provide. It was time to create a positive impact on the most important generation there is, the next one!
My second life has always been in Bracebridge. My life as a parent has 100% been in Muskoka. My dedication to family, my dedication to business and to community has always been here. So, to everyone who believes that it is your kindergarten education that defines you as a mayoral candidate, I say remember how your life changed when you became a parent. Think of how your priorities changed and how your life as a parent defines who you are now.
I ask that you endorse my campaign so that together we can help the next generation, help do better things for this town. I want to improve on what is here. I want more for the next generation. I want to rekindle the entrepreneurial spirit of this town and invite other like minded people to come aboard.
Help me help our children.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Presented by the Campaign to Elect
John Duck for Mayor of Bracebridge
March 2010

Many general comments have been received from the public with regards to a new replacement arena for Memorial Arena in Bracebridge. The comments range from excitement from all those who will benefit from this project. There are also those in Bracebridge who believe the Town cannot afford the project at this time. As a result, I have prepared a financial plan for the project that is based on current facts from the Town’s own budget (current and past budget figures) as well as the current Development Charges By-Law. Specific details (figures etc.) can be backed up on request by contacting my campaign office.
This financial plan is intended to show that a new TwinPad Arena can be built, funded and operated by both the current tax base and new growth of the Town at NO additional costs to the existing taxpayer.

The Town of Bracebridge currently provides funding to Memorial Arena in terms of an Operating Budget. The Town also provides additional funding for Capital projects such as major repairs, replacement of arena systems, roof, structure etc. As our current arena gets older and older, there are continuing demands for both increased Operating Budgets and Capital Budgets (repairs). The current tax base pays approximately $51 per household for the Memorial Arena. My intention is to provide a financial plan for a new facility where the costs to the current tax base do not exceed this $51 per household i.e. to provide a new twin pad facility at no additional cost to the tax base.
The Town of Bracebridge currently has in place a Development Charges Bylaw. This bylaw allows the Town to collect monies whenever a new household is developed in town. These funds (known as development charges) are placed in separate reserve accounts to be used when necessary for projects related to Roads, Library, Fire Department and Parks and Recreation. In 2009, the Town of Bracebridge passed a Development Charges Bylaw that included a plan to collect development charges for a future twinpad arena. The average development charge to be collected over the next five year period for each new household is $2,945. Of this amount, approximately $984 was earmarked specifically for a new arena.
Together, funding for a new arena will come from the current tax base (what we already pay) and from growth (development charges). In fact, according to my plan, the current tax base will only contribute for the first 10 years and after that time; the amount of development charges will pay the entire costs of any remaining debenture (or loan).

Arena Budget
The arena will be constructed based on a budget of $18 million (similar projects have been completed from $10 million to $22 million). It is anticipated that construction of a new arena will not be possible without the help of both federal and provincial government funding. Grants of $10 million are anticipated from these two levels of government. This is very typical of a project of this type and style. This leaves $8 million to be determined. These figures are as outlined in the Town’s DC Bylaw.
As with any project of this size, contributions and capital fundraising will be necessary. I would expect to launch a capital campaign to raise $2.5 million from local businesses, organizations and private citizens. A similar project of this type in Brant County took only 18 months to fundraise close to $3.5 million. This would leave $5.5 million left.
With good growth planning, I would anticipate having this project ready to go within four years. This will mean that the Town will have collected and saved monies through development charges for the project. Based on the anticipated growth within the Town, close to $710,000 would have been collected for this project. Using these funds as a downpayment, the remaining funds necessary would be $4.79 million. These funds would be obtained through a municipal infrastructure loan (or debenture). This debenture could be financed for 20 years at 4.61%.
The resulting annual payments for this new debenture would be approximately $367,200. How would these payments be funded? By 2015 (when the new twinpad arena is expected to open), the number of households in Bracebridge should be close to 9,500 (up from the current 8,800). With each household currently contributing $51 to Memorial Arena, this amount of available funding from the current tax base is $484,500 per year. At the same time, the Town is continuing to grow and additional development charges for the arena are being collected. Assuming a 20% increase in development charges (above the 2014 rate), the amount collected per year would be $232,000 from 2015-2029. This creates a pool of available funding for the new arena of $716,500. As mentioned above, the debenture would cost $367,200, leaving $349,300 as an available operating budget (deficit). A twinpad arena can be operated for significantly less than the calculated $349,300 operating budget. This will mean that taxpayers should see less demand for their dollars after a new arena is built (and not an increase).
The interesting thing about this financial plan is that by 2025, the anticipated growth and development charges should result in no funding from the tax base for the debenture. After 2025, the costs of the debenture would be fully covered by the accumulation of development charges for the new arena.

What can you do Now?
The key to this project being successful is the encouragement of responsible growth within our community. Without responsible growth, the accumulation of the necessary reserve funds for a new fire hall, library and twinpad arena will not be possible. Growth within a community can come in many forms including retirees, seasonal residents and new families.
Capital fundraising will be necessary for this project to be successful. Our arena is a special place in this community. For many of us, we spent a considerable amount of our youth at the rink. For some of us, we continue into adulthood enjoying the game we love, encouraging our kids at the rink and helping coach the next batch of hockey players and figure skaters. All of us should be proud of the accomplishments and history of Memorial Arena. As a tribute to its legacy, please plan on a contribution towards its replacement.

The facts and figures given here are not fiction! The numbers used in this position statement were obtained from current Town policy and Town budgets. The growth of the Town is based on figures provided by Watson & Associates in their study prepared for the District of Muskoka.
A new twinpad arena can be built and developed at no additional costs to the current or future tax base. The current Memorial Arena is over sixty years old, costs an amazing $300,000+ in operating expense to the tax base plus is going to continue to be a money pit with needs for capital improvements (Bandaids) to keep the old barn operating.
The time to begin planning this new facility is now. With architectural plans, site planning and development as well as construction spanning close to a two year period, spending the next couple years with the stakeholders of the Town (hockey associations, adult hockey, figure skating and other users), the timeline to begin serious planning for a new arena is now.

Your Vote
With your vote in the upcoming municipal election, I will work very hard to see that the Town continues to grow at the pace necessary to justify this (and other projects) within Bracebridge. The next Council needs to be able to plan this Town in a responsible way that does not affect the current tax base but also provides the necessary infrastructure to service future growth. Without the necessary infrastructure, new residents will be reluctant to move to Town. With a positive growth and infrastructure plan in place, all residents will get to benefit from the new and improved facilities.

Together, we can help build this Town responsibly!

Contact Information
John C Duck
30 Fairlight Glen Cr.
Bracebridge, Ontario
P1L 1W8

Phone 705-646-8972

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


To all my friends, family and and supporters in the Town of Bracebridge,

As many of you know, I announced my candidacy for the position of Mayor for the Town of Bracebridge in late January 2010. I will be hoping to speak with you all face to face in some detail in the coming months. I have announced my intention of being your next mayor well in advance of the September closing of nominations.

Some have asked, why decide to run so early? The answer is quite simple. To those of you that know me, you will know that I do not make shallow promises and I am a detail oriented person who wants his facts straight, organized and precise before disclosing them. I see no merit in making promises that the electorate cannot afford and that the Town does not need.

As the finer details of my campaign are rolled out, you will see that I intend on presenting a campaign in a new and precise fashion. No loose promises. No platform that does not have sound fundamentals and research behind it.
The Town of Bracebridge and all its decisions should be based on sound economic grounds using the best information available to us. In advance, I thank you for your support.